AdamandalaMandala Mantis is a project by illustrator Adam Winsor (dot com). I love to experiment with pattern, line, and symmetry, but never know what to do with the results. This is an experiment in sharing!  I love to make these designs, and I want to see if other people would like them (for personal, non-commercial use). Get out your watercolors, markers, or crayons, fire up your printer, and enjoy!

I’ll share one or two designs each week. Designs will be organized by season, with each season having a theme for the names, just to keep things organized.

(I’m also happy to license the designs for commercial purposes, just contact me. Your licensing fee will get you a high-res/vector version of the designs)


Work on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This means that you can use and share the designs for non-commercial purposes as long as you freely share your derivative work, and give credit by linking back to